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Daily recipe: Pizza” Il Vesuvio incontra il mare”

pizza gourmet luigi acciaio Il Vesuvio incontra il MareThe Master Pizza Maker Luigi Acciaio, President of “Associazione Pizza Gourmet”, shows us his recipe: pizza gourmet “Il Vesuvio incontra il Mare”.

Pizza dough: Petra 3 flour by “Molino Quaglia”
Rising time: 36 hours
Hydration: 70%


Mozzarella di Bufala “Vannulo”

Pacchetelle di Pomodoro giallo ( tipical tomatoes from Vesuvio ) “L’Orto di Lucullo”

Poured courgettes soup

Fish eggs by “Cabras” Slow Food

Extra Vergin Olive Oil “EVO DOP Pregio” from Salerno hills

Urchin Pulp



Spread the dough over the baking tray and bake it. Then take the dough out of the oven, add a slice of mozzarella di bufala Vannullo and spread the poured courgettes soup, the urchin pulp, a yellow tomato slice by slice and the fish eggs on it. Spice the pizza with Extra Vergin Olive Oil DOP and basil at the end.