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Daily recipe: Salted codfish with tomato sauce, mousse of buffalo mozzarella and crunchy cracker

The chef Fabiano Borea from the restaurant “Le Tre Vele” in Salerno, shows his recipe:Salted codfish with tomato sauce, mousse...

Daily recipe: Seared squid with endive and risotto venere

The chef Fabiano Borea from the restaurant “Le Tre Vele” in Salerno, shows his recipe: Seared squids with endive and risotto...

Daily recipe : Red shrimps tartara

The chef Fabiano Borea from the restaurant “Le Tre Vele” in Salerno shows his recipe of “Red shrimps tartara”....

Dessert: “Le Tre Vele”, chef Fabiano Borea from the restaurant “Le Tre Vele” in Salerno

Dessert-Le Tre Vele Wafer with mousse of cacioricotta, typical frosting from Amalfi, tomato “San Marzano Miracolo” jelly and...

VI edizione Le Notti Bianche Adhoc di Castellammare – Mercato ittico e tammorre per solidarietà – Raccolta fondi per il nido e il reparto pediatria dell’ospedale stabiese

A Castellammare di Stabia il 23 e 30 dicembre bambini e Tradizioni diventano protagonisti, tra mercato ittico, tammorre e solidarietà...